My Story
OK, God This Moutain is too big to climb
The beginning of my story is like many mothers. I wanted to be a mom so bad! I had difficulties carrying full term and that became a loss of 5 babies.
After my first miscarriage I was elated to carry Scotty full term. I actually carried him for an extra month!
All of our children are special and precious but knowing he was the only child I would have made it even more so.
Scott was an amazing loving little boy that everyone loved as soon as they met him. He started being a little singer very young and had a great voice. He was quite the entertainer. I was extremely proud of who he had become as a young man. He had everything going for him.
Scott was high strung and full of life. He had an amazing career that he was great at. He had a beautiful family and enjoyed hunting, fishing, Kentucky Wildcats and his friends. He loved his family big! But sometimes that still isn't enough. Why? There are many questions and some speculations. One thing I do know is he was being bullied. Yes, bullied at 37 years old. As you will read in my book, he was dealing with a lot that was certainly difficult for most but especially with one who has anxiety issues.
Sharing my story was painful and healing
I am a very private person and I truly struggled with writing this book. For many reasons, I pondered long and hard. Some people that are mentioned in my story have turned their life around and so this is not to put a blemish on them in any way. I knew if I was going to share my story, I would need to be transparent even if it was uncomfortable for all. I share my story in hopes that it will prevent others for such a painful decision and to help others who are survivors of a loss such as mine. This book is included in your welcome package but also can be ordered on Amazon
This Journal is designed to take you down a path of healing and sharing. Each month will bring you to a different place to find your heart again without that deep sadness we all feel after a tragic loss. This will be included in your welcome package. It can also be ordered on Amazon
I share my life and my pain over the loss of my son
I share my story so others know they are not alone
I share my story so you see you can overcome and feel joy again